Monday, April 4, 2011

What Do You WIsh You'd Known At 13!?

It's okay to be selfish sometimes! You live with your own experiences for the rest of your life! Take chances and LIVE!
Have hope in who you are- don't let other people drag you down
At the end of the day, it only matters what you think of yourself.
People have shorter memories than you think & it's really not that serious anyway. Just enjoy life & live to be happy.
Its okay to stand out and to stand up for what you believe in. Others will stand with you. Stay strong and be BEAUTIFUL!

Dove's beauty movement is so fabulous. It gives such a positive example for women everywhere. You do NOT have to be a size 2 to be beautiful. Beauty is all around us. Beauty is what makes us unique. Beauty is what makes you YOU. This campaign encourages women to embrace whatever it is that makes them beautiful. This could be their freckles, curves, unique eyes, or anything else! It gives the message that we need to love ourselves. One thing that I really loved was the "What do you wish you'd known at 13" area on their website. This is an area where women from all over can pass on advice to the younger generation. 

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