Saturday, April 23, 2011

I "LIKE" you :]

Have you ever wished that your social media world and the real world could combine? Well now you can bring your social media world to life! You can now purchase "like" stickers and stick them on to everything that you might like. See a cute guy walking down the street? LIKE HIM! See an adorable cupcake? LIKE IT! Do you just love you birthday so much? LIKE IT ON THE CALENDER! Relating this "liking" option to real life things seems a bit creepy honestly. So why do we not think twice while doing it on facebook? Interesting...Well whether you love this idea or hate it, these stickers are currently available! Just another sign that social media, especially facebook, is taking over our lives! Will you use these stickers? Check out the funny video below. This could be a funny way of advertising for facebook (not that they really need it.)

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