Monday, April 4, 2011


Bullying is a huge problem in the world today. People often turn towards hatred and get satisfaction out of hurting others. This issue has recently become very publicized because of all of the tragic teen suicides. The social media world has been embracing the ad campaign that LOVE IS LOUDER. This movement was started by actress Brittany Stone and MTV.  This campaign is very inspirational and so many celebrities have taken part in it. It is very easy to join this by tweeting #loveislouder, joining the facebook group, or posting pictures like the one above! Something needs to change and this is a step in the right direction. I think that this campaign is going to be very successful because it has such a beautiful message. We do not need anymore hatred in the world. The website for the campaign states that "The more voices that join the movement, the louder the message becomes. #LoveisLouder."

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