Saturday, April 23, 2011

This almost makes me not want it to be Friday...almost.

This whole stunt has gone way too far. Rebecca Black, who is know for her youtube hit "friday" and by hit I mean  people listen to it to make fun of her, now has a billboard in Hollywood. I believe that this gives her the last laugh. In an attempt to soak in as much fame as she can, she has decided to advertise her youtube song! This was her way of congratulating herself for her success. I am sure that this advertisement makes people furious (mostly because they can not seem to get her annoying, yet catchy, song out of their heads.) This just goes to show what the music industry has turned in to. Some achieve fame from being extremely talented, and some achieve it from being the exact opposite. Well, any fame is still fame I suppose? So congrats on the billboard Rebecca! Looking good!

And now the equally humorous parody of the song!

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