Sunday, April 24, 2011

"If this were an ordinary sub, you'd eat it in an ordinary way'"

These may just be the weirdest commercials that I have ever seen. I think that Quiznos was trying to be funny with their new advertisements for their sandwich the new chicken bacon dipper. They failed miserably though. After seeing all of these bizarre commercials the last thing that I would do was ever try the sandwich. I may have to avoid Quiznos in general! Instead of focusing on weird people, they should have focused more on how the sandwich was not ordinary. I do not know who would be able to relate to these people. What may have started out as a new and clever advertising idea has really gone terribly wrong. If I was them I would make a spoof out of their own commercials. Acknowledging that it seems like the must have been on drugs and that the chicken bacon dipper is much better then their commercials!
My Apologies for wasting your time watching these bizarre commercials.I will be sticking with subways from now on :]

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