Sunday, April 24, 2011

The truth hurts...the company.

A friend recently showed me this print advertisement and I found it to be pure genius. It is an ad against drinking and driving and shows the fatal impact that driving under the influence can have. It is very recognizably bashing the "absolute vodka" drink by replacing "vodka" with "stupidity." This is an advertisement that sends a powerful message and will not go unnoticed. I liked how the bottle was pointing to the car accident. They successfully used the design technique of directionality. This advertisement is harsh, but necessary. Drinking can be very harmful and can even lead to death. It is not all fun and games like the advertisements for alcoholic beverages lead us to believe. This advertisement should be featured around college campuses to urge people to be cautious and not careless. I wonder how the brand absolute vodka is feeling about this advertisement?

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