Monday, April 25, 2011

"The Force"

Tell me that this is not the cutest little boy that you have ever seen. This image shows his despair and who wouldnt want to put a smile on his face!? This image alone made me fall in love with the volkswagen superbowl commercial! I already love kids so this commercial really touched my heart. I think that the advertisement was also successful because it showcased the car, the fact that it can be a family car, and the new features that it has such as the remote start up! All of this was done while at the same time making all of the women watching this tear up a bit. Every child wants to feel like a super hero and the volkswagen car allowed for the little boy to feel like one, even if it was for just a moment. I think that buying that car would be worth even that simple moment. This commercial was really well done and stood apart from all of the other ones. Instead of focusing on violence like most of them did, it featured a young boy playing make believe. He is definitley a force that I believe in :]


Obesity is a huge problem in the world today. A lot of times people do not fully realize the effect that obesity can have on ones health. It becomes a downward spiral that is extremely difficult to stop. It can even end up killing people. It is that serious. This advertisement that I came across addresses that. Here are 3 of the images that they use:

These images show how "obesity is suicide." I think that this advertisement campaign will be very successful. It definitly sends a powerful message. It is also done in a way that people will understand. I think that it was very creative having a man being strangeled by hot dogs and a woman overdosing on M&Ms. It emphasizes how obesity is just as serious as other killers but often goes unnoticed.

Smart Water

This may be one of my favorite youtube videos. It also shows how important social media is and that paying for advertising on television is become less important. This never aired on tv, but has recieved a ridiculous amount of hits on youtube. It is hilarious and very clever. It also pokes fun on the lengths that people go to in order to sell something. Jennifer Aniston was the perfect person for this because she is loved by all. She seems like a very down to earth person and has been so successful with her career. She has never had any big scandels (that were her fault and did not deal with her love life...Brad.) I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did! I might just have to start drinking smart water...

Chose Life.

All Life is Precious - Billboard Image
I have recently seen a lot of billboards and advertising about abortions. Most of them have been on the pro life side of the debate. I think that this advertisement in particular is one that sends the message out successfully. A lot of the times you see a lot of graphic images and facts.While these do get the point across, they can often upset people. This billboard sends the same message but in a more positive way. Instead of focusing on the death that will occur if one chooses to abort their baby, they focus on the beautiful baby that can be the result of choosing life. I think it is always better to focus on the positive. The baby is so adorable and anyone would love to have it!!! I went to the website and most of the advertisements are positive ones like this one. I think that they are doing a great job discussing an important debate. Babies are precious and this ad really showcases that.

creative advertising

I took a picture of this on my phone because I thought that it was really cool. I saw it when I walked into the jewel by my house on Easter Sunday. I bet that it took a long time to make this. It was pretty intense and very tall. I wonder if the store employees just decided to make this for Easter or if the people from the coke brand arranged for this to happen. It is definitley a unique form of advertising. It sends a nice greeting while at the same time drawing attention to the coke brand. I like how they used coke as the background and diet coke for the letters. A lot of people were stopping to look at this and also took pictures of it! I think that this is something that should be done at more grocery stores for more holidays. Everyone is so busy getting everything that they need for the holiday that they forget to stop and appreciate it! This allows for that while also drawing attention to your brand and getting more people to buy it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The truth hurts...the company.

A friend recently showed me this print advertisement and I found it to be pure genius. It is an ad against drinking and driving and shows the fatal impact that driving under the influence can have. It is very recognizably bashing the "absolute vodka" drink by replacing "vodka" with "stupidity." This is an advertisement that sends a powerful message and will not go unnoticed. I liked how the bottle was pointing to the car accident. They successfully used the design technique of directionality. This advertisement is harsh, but necessary. Drinking can be very harmful and can even lead to death. It is not all fun and games like the advertisements for alcoholic beverages lead us to believe. This advertisement should be featured around college campuses to urge people to be cautious and not careless. I wonder how the brand absolute vodka is feeling about this advertisement?

What trends?

"If this were an ordinary sub, you'd eat it in an ordinary way'"

These may just be the weirdest commercials that I have ever seen. I think that Quiznos was trying to be funny with their new advertisements for their sandwich the new chicken bacon dipper. They failed miserably though. After seeing all of these bizarre commercials the last thing that I would do was ever try the sandwich. I may have to avoid Quiznos in general! Instead of focusing on weird people, they should have focused more on how the sandwich was not ordinary. I do not know who would be able to relate to these people. What may have started out as a new and clever advertising idea has really gone terribly wrong. If I was them I would make a spoof out of their own commercials. Acknowledging that it seems like the must have been on drugs and that the chicken bacon dipper is much better then their commercials!
My Apologies for wasting your time watching these bizarre commercials.I will be sticking with subways from now on :]



I recently came across a picture of this billboard online. I am not sure that this advertisement will get more people to go to that church, but it definitely will get people talking about it! That could be exactly what they are going for too. I am sure that many people went to the website to see what the billboard was all about. I know that I did! The site has a list of their easter services and a video with a guy wearing a shirt that says "NorthRidge + Easter = Winning!" I personally thought that was a bit ridiculous and I would never go to this church. The church should be praying for Charlie Sheen, not using his sad situation to get more people to come to their church. It really does not even make any sense and I am sure that there has been a lot of negative feedback about this advertisement. Overall, I do not think that it is "winning!" Check out the website and see the craziness for yourself.